The Beginner's Guide to Running Away from Home by Jennifer LaRue Huget
The Beginner's Guide to Running Away from Home by Jennifer LaRue Huget

The Beginner

That will show your parents you mean business") pairs smartly with Sickels's anti-cute characters. Huget's (The Best Birthday Party Ever) knowing tone ("You're too grown-up for a stuffed animal, but take your favorite one anyway.

The Beginner

The boy narrator has a perpetually anxious look and a shock of red hair that leaps off his head like a flame, as he walks readers through the steps of running away.

The Beginner

As he did in Here Comes the Garbage Barge!, artist Chris Sickels (aka Red Nose Studio) models, then photographs gothic figurines in elaborately handcrafted sets, which draw most of the attention in this sardonic guide to leaving home.

The Beginner's Guide to Running Away from Home by Jennifer LaRue Huget